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What We Do

Expert IT services tailored to your business requirements

As your business grows, you need the right tools at your disposal to make the most of your expansion. Source Technology Systems specialises in niche areas of IT, ensuring you have the professional solutions necessary to grow confidently. Our highly experienced team of specialists uses their industry knowledge to understand your current position, offer transformative advice and deliver solutions that make it easy to reach your business goals.

Software Development

Our software development team has significant experience designing, creating and implementing applications and other software solutions per your business goals and plans. We specialise in software development for many purposes, helping you to strengthen your operations, save time or expand your reach into new sectors and markets. We're here every step of the way to design, create, test, implement and deliver technology that's ideally suited to your purpose.

Our approach to software development is as specialised as our services. By honing our skills in this particular area of IT, we can offer far more than the average jack-of-all-trades service. Each application we make is bespoke and built from the ground up to align with your business's short- and long-term goals.

Software Development

Our software development team has significant experience designing, creating and implementing applications and other software solutions per your business goals and plans. We specialise in software development for many purposes, helping you to strengthen your operations, save time or expand your reach into new sectors and markets. We're here every step of the way to design, create, test, implement and deliver technology that's ideally suited to your purpose.

Our approach to software development is as specialised as our services. By honing our skills in this particular area of IT, we can offer far more than the average jack-of-all-trades service. Each application we make is bespoke and built from the ground up to align with your business's short- and long-term goals.

Software Development

Our software development team has significant experience designing, creating and implementing applications and other software solutions per your business goals and plans. We specialise in software development for many purposes, helping you to strengthen your operations, save time or expand your reach into new sectors and markets. We're here every step of the way to design, create, test, implement and deliver technology that's ideally suited to your purpose.

Our approach to software development is as specialised as our services. By honing our skills in this particular area of IT, we can offer far more than the average jack-of-all-trades service. Each application we make is bespoke and built from the ground up to align with your business's short- and long-term goals.

Here's How We Do It


An initial consultation session allows our team to understand your business goals and mission. We utilise this information and insight into the functionalities you need to plan what your software application will look like and how it will operate.

Our team creates a practical wireframe design of your application for your approval. We start with the functional aspects of your application, with the opportunity to add visual design to align with your internal branding.


Throughout development, our team remains in touch to make amendments and adapt to necessary changes for your application, ensuring they deliver precisely what you need. Our in-house development team has extensive experience in creating bespoke software.

Thorough QA testing is essential to ensure reliability and consistent operation. We have a stringent testing process for every application before delivery, ensuring your software is as robust and functional as possible.


Once testing is complete, your application is ready to go. Our team will continue to provide backup support and ongoing maintenance as required to keep your operations running and your software meeting expectations.

We Help You To Achieve Your Goals

Working with a specialist software development team gives you access to benefits that no off-the-shelf product can deliver. Our team of development specialists can create something entirely bespoke to your business operations. Whether you require a particular tool for a niche business area or a more extensive application with many features, working with Source Technology Systems provides a suitable solution to a complex problem. Whether you're a small start-up or a large-scale organisation, we work to your specifications to deliver the results you want.

Web Development

A high-quality, on-brand website is a potent tool in the digital world. Whether you're exploring moving your business online for the first time or your existing platform is behind the current standard, our expert team can devise a solution that suits your needs. Our focus on intuitive, user-friendly design provides a positive experience for your audience. We have a robust understanding of quality and reliable web development, helping you to transform and grow to capture customers online.

Five Steps To Your New Website


Our team works with you to understand your goals, plans and requirements for your website development. We use this information to decide which elements to include in your website, from basic landing pages to advanced online storefronts for eCommerce purposes.

2.Design, UI and UX

Our specialist team of designers creates a visual wireframe of your website, optimised for your demographic. We share this design with you, allowing for any tweaks and adjustments to suit your target audience and reflect your brand values.


We enter into development, utilising our in-depth knowledge and experience to create a strong foundation for your new platform. Our experts have extensive experience building complete websites from the ground up, providing a bespoke solution for your business.

4.QA Testing and

Following the development, we enter a thorough QA testing phase. At this point, we iron out any bugs and ensure everything is highly functional, visually attractive and in line with your goals and plans, ready for your final approval.


Once approved, your website is launched and available for your customers. Our team can continue to offer professional support by managing your website after delivery to ensure it remains up-to-date and on point.

Create An Attractive Online Presence

Our web development solutions help to build a positive, professional online presence for your brand. In an increasingly busy online marketplace, standing out from your competitors and other niche businesses is integral to long-term success. The bespoke services we offer provide a tailored product that is accurately targeted at your chosen audience and delivers a wide range of benefits for your business, including:

  • Improving your SEO ranking with search engine platforms
  • Providing a positive first impression for your audience
  • Creating a user-friendly experience to increase leads
  • Showing a cohesive brand image online and offline

Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery is a central component to bolstering the resilience and protection of businesses. Should the worst happen, whether through natural disasters or malware, knowing that your can safely recover your data is vital. Peace of mind helps to grow confidence. You can rely on our experienced and capable team to coordinate and handle swift responses to any disaster, significantly reducing downtime and helping you safely navigate any incident. We help you implement the necessary controls and processes for faster recovery, reducing the stress and burden of data loss and vulnerabilities while optimising your protection.

Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery is a central component to bolstering the resilience and protection of businesses. Should the worst happen, whether through natural disasters or malware, knowing that your can safely recover your data is vital. Peace of mind helps to grow confidence. You can rely on our experienced and capable team to coordinate and handle swift responses to any disaster, significantly reducing downtime and helping you safely navigate any incident. We help you implement the necessary controls and processes for faster recovery, reducing the stress and burden of data loss and vulnerabilities while optimising your protection.

Recover From Any Disaster

Disaster can happen at any time, leaving your business vulnerable. Many different circumstances can lead to the loss of data or damage to existing servers, particularly if you have physical servers on-site. Our team helps you to recover swiftly from a range of disasters unscathed, including:


FIre damage







FIre damage







FIre damage






Proactive Resiliency To Protect Your Business

Data is vitally important to modern business operations. As a specialist in the backup and recovery of data, our team has the expertise to respond to incidents and reduce the downtime you experience should a problem occur. Our swift reaction helps you to get back on your feet sooner, while our pre-emptive services prevent incidents from occurring. By proactively identifying vulnerabilities, we can provide expert guidance on the processes and practices you could implement.

Why be proactive? Some of the benefits include:
  • Reduced risk of malicious access to business data
  • Fresh controls and processes for faster recovery
  • Increased awareness of how to prevent data loss
  • Better security for sensitive company information
  • Faster restoration with less downtime
Why be proactive? Some of the benefits include:
  • Reduced risk of malicious access to business data
  • Fresh controls and processes for faster recovery
  • Increased awareness of how to prevent data loss
  • Better security for sensitive company information
  • Faster restoration with less downtime

Speak To Our Team

What goals do you want to achieve as a business? Let's talk about it. Schedule a consultation with one of our specialists today.

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